Thursday, April 30, 2009

secret mother's day gift

The lovely Turon sisters had a great idea to get their mom some "sisters" pics for Mother's Day. So, today I met the 4 girls for a shoot. We started of at a school park where it was overcast, so windy, and seriously cold. The little ones braved the temps and smiled so nice for the camera (even with all the sand in their shoes)! We quickly moved on to our second location (only a short walk away) where the sun came out and we got nice and warm! Enjoy a couple portraits of the little ones. I will have more soon. Aren't these two SO adorable.  

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

beautiful sisters

On Saturday night it was Jill's wedding shower. It was my first time using my new lens!!! I was trying with flash and without. I love not using a flash but as it was getting darker and darker I kept having to turn my ISO up (and I hate the noise). Here is Jill (the bride- bottom) with a little "acid wash" and Jerilyn (MOH). I can't wait for the stagette and wedding! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

camster and h-man

I don't even get these two. They are out of control adorable. I love the action shot of cami's ears in the second one. 

On a side note- I am pretty proud of myself. These images are sooc (straight out of camera) and they are exposed perfectly! 
I love shooting in natural light. I love shooting in manual. 

abby's shoot idea

My sister saw a picture on someone's blog of wedding rings atop starfish and loved it. She summonsed me to her house on Sunday to take mimic the photo but once we got started she realized she didn't have a starfish. ooops. We made due with some shells instead. I am not super thrilled with the results. The lighting wasn't great where we were and I had my ISO really high (which I hate). We will have to have a re-shoot.
What a rock, hey?!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

more of the great grandchildren

More pics of the cutest kids around. They have personality for days!!

And the woman who makes it all possible! Grandma with baby Jack. Grandma is 77 and Jack is 3 months. 

I think she was hungry!

Miss O's photoshoot outside!

Look at those beautiful cheeks!

I could never capture Elijah looking at the camera. He had much more important things to do (he was way too busy with his toys)!

Loooong Weekend

Easter long weekend! ahhhh, five days off to relax and take pics. I was at my Grandma's for 3 hours yesterday and managed to take 300 pictures. Here are a few of my faves. My cousins def have the cutest kids!! More to come soon.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring Break Treats

Aaaahhhh, Spring Break! I could use another week before going back to school. 
One of my favorite things about Spring Break since I was little was getting some new clothes. I was in Chicago and and Cincinnati for 5 days and finally got the Nike shoes I have been drooling over (I have been carrying around a picture of them in my wallet since August) and found these beautiful A pocket 7's from Filenes for $99. What a steal of a deal! 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Trespassing cont'd

Here are some more! Woooo... such fun. Can't wait to do it again!!

Trespassing with Amy and Ryan

Tuesday morning I picked up Amy and Ryan for their engagement photo session. We planned on a nice, relaxing shoot along the river in St. Albert. Well, 2.5 hours later we had walked a couple of km, gotten ourselves soaking wet, trespassed into a farmers yard, climbed over barbed wire fences, and broken into an old truck. How could a morning with Amy have turned out any different?! Thank you Amy and Ryan. I had so much fun with you two. Enjoy the teaser. I will post more soon!